Curious What Types of People, Issues, and Goals We Work With?

Hypnotism is a powerful tool that just about anyone can intentionally leverage to make powerful changes in their lives! We've worked with doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, business owners, politicians, musicians, athletes, plumbers, and ordinary or extraordinary people just like you over the years! We can work with just about any issue and goal as well!

We have few basic questions we ask. Are you ready for the change you want? Are you ready, willing, and able to follow some simple directions? and to put the time, energy, and effort into keeping the change you create (of course, we will give you the knowledge and tools to do this!)?

If you’re like most people, you go into hypnosis or hyper-suggestible states regularly. Ever been so deep in “thought”, that you miss your turn on the highway? Ever get swept up in love, play, a sweet, flow state? Ever experience anxiety? If so, then, you’ve almost certainly experienced hypnosis or hyper-suggestible states! Over the years, we’ve helped clients locally and abroad to powerfully take charge of their lives via hypnosis, and to accomplish the following (this is NOT an exhaustive list!):

  • Clear stress, trauma, anxiety, shame, stuck energy and emotions
  • Transform limiting beliefs to empowering and resourceful beliefs
  • Clear fears, phobias (over the years – heights, driving, spiders, snakes, elevators, MRIs, and many more!), old protective habits, thoughts, and unhelpful behavioral patterns (The list is pretty long here. you name it, we’ve probably worked with it. The obstruction is usually equally easy to clear for any and all!)
  • Stop smoking, stop drinking, overeating, and other unhealthy habits   
  • Transform or re-engineer your current lifestyle
  • Reduce weight, and increase self-love (what happens AFTER you lose all that weight with those magical new weight loss drugs?)
  • Acute/chronic physical pain
  • TMJ, bruxism, or teeth grinding
  • Memory, focus, and other cognitive issues
  • Erectile Dysfunction, Low libido – of course love to see people get relief and smiling and happy again in this arena!
  • Surgical preparation and recovery
  • Achieve next or optimal level peak performance (over the years, many athletes, musicians, singers, scholars, public speakers, writers, salespeople, and artists!)
Again, we can work with just about anything that you can imagine the outcome for and is ecological. If you’ve been stuck and are tired of being stuck, hypnosis might be a fantastic option for you! We can plow through or dismantle those obstacles rapidly most of the time or turn them into resources. That’s one of the best parts of hypnosis. Hypnosis will help YOU to take control of your life!
If you have the desire to change, can be guided, and and are committed to putting the love, time, energy, and effort into your change, you’ll probably be great at hypnosis (all hypnosis is self-hypnosis!).
What Age Groups Do You Work With?
We can work with children 10 and up, and adults of all ages. The person must want the change, and be willing and able to follow simple guidance and instructions. 

Tired of Living With Anxiety? 

Whether you’ve been living with anxiety for some time, or it is new to you, we can help!  Take charge of your life today and feel more calm, peaceful, and in control after just one session!  Call 443.686-9645 or schedule your free consult today!